Friday, July 12, 2024



Welcome to Biblical Authority Ministries! 

As the name implies, this Christian ministry is focused on biblical authority. 

Simply put, the 66 books of the Bible are the supreme authority in all matters—faith, education, life, science, history, practice, apologetics, theology—every subject. As a point of note, this doesn’t just mean “faith and practice”—but all areas.

In our culture, God and His Word have been attacked in many ways because so many have been influenced to believe the religion of secular humanism—whether they realize it or not. Secular humanism (atheism, evolutionism, agnosticism, naturalism, Darwinism, materialism, etc.) dominates our schools, media, politics, museums, and so on. Even I was influenced by this type of religion to a certain degree. 

As a result, Genesis 1-11 have come under severe attack. Consider these common attacks: 


1. Creation in six days has been largely usurped by [false] big bangs models. Sadly, some Christian’s try to mix their Christianity with this religion and thereby compromise (or syncretize) two different religions together. 


2. The fall into sin and the origin of death (which is the foundation for the Gospel) has been replaced with Darwin’s worship of death as the hero for an evolutionary worldview—with millions of years of death supposedly occurring over long ages (because of rock layers that contain fossils). 


3. The global Flood of Noah—which explains from where most of those fossil-bearing rock layers came—has been replaced with slow gradual accumulations over millions of years! 


4. The events at the Tower of Babel which explain why people look a little different (the gene pool was split apart as different families spread to different parts of the world). Furthermore, the origin of language families has been replaced with Darwinian racism and the “evolved out of Africa” model for the evolution of languages. 

At Biblical Authority Ministries, the hope is to reclaim the truth of Scripture from the very first verse of Genesis. We want to help believers get back to God’s Word as the ultimate authority on these types of issues. 

But we also hope to proclaim the truth of the whole of Scripture including the Gospel—because without the Gospel, what’s the point? I don’t just want people to turn from false worldviews like evolution and hold to creation; but I want to see them receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. From here, I want to encourage new believers to continue growing int their faith by getting involved in a local Bible-believing church.

This is why Biblical Authority Ministries exist—to help provide biblical, scientific, and theological answers to the church and culture to remove barriers to the Gospel to the glory of God. 

Bodie Hodge, M.Sc., B.Sc., PEI

Biblical Authority Ministries, July 12, 2024


Climate Cult

The Climate Cult Bodie Hodge, M.Sc., B.Sc., PEI Biblical Authority Ministries, October 17, 2024 Have you ever listened to certain actors...