

Biblical Authority Ministries exists to promote the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the absolute authority of the 66 books of Scripture. It is the official website for Bodie Hodge. 

Bodie Hodge Biography

Mr. Bodie Hodge was saved by faith through the grace of God via the shed blood of Jesus Christ at the age of 9 in 1983.  He grew up on a farm in Western Illinois and attended Southern Illinois University at Carbondale (SIUC) earning his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering and specialized in Advanced Materials Processing.

His research centered around TiB2 processing and developed a new method of its production. Though he also worked with other materials such as TiC, SiC, ZrO2 as well as piezoelectric and pyroelectric materials. He taught at SIUC for two years before accepting a position at Caterpillar, Inc., through Aerotek Engineering to work at Cat’s Proving Ground.  

He began his study of apologetics in his late college years and began teaching youth apologetics at both Carbondale and Peoria, Illinois. He ran his own website answering difficult questions for youths on sciences, the Bible, world religions, history, and a general defense of the faith.

After 3 years at Caterpillar in 2003, he accepted a position at Answers in Genesis (AiG), where he worked as a speaker, author, and researcher for the ministry for over 20 years. He was also a co-host for Answers News. He has been on numerous books, videos, interviews, and is a popular live speaker and prolific web author.

He is married with four children. He is a reconstructionist and a known presuppositionalist. This shows in his response style. He grew up being taught dispensational pre-millennialism and historic pre-millennialism but after extensive study has become a post-millennialist (partial pret). He has a heart to answer questions and promote the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Biblical Authority Ministries is solely an outreach of Bodie Hodge and is not associated with AiG in any way.  Many articles and resources are linked to AiG’s website and materials. Mr. Hodge’s hope is that you will help support AiG and its outreaches by donations, resource sales, and visiting the attractions and also support Biblical Authority Ministries as well as both contend for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Dinosaur Footprints

  Dinosaur Footprints—Millions Of Years Ago Or Thousands Of Years Ago? Bodie Hodge, M.Sc., B.Sc., PEI Biblical Authority Ministries, Mar...