Subject Headings
- Introductory Articles
- Welcome to Biblical Authority Ministries!
- What does BAM believe?
- BAM is a presuppositional ministry—what does that mean?
- What does it mean to be saved?
- Abortion
- Abortion: A Matter of Life and Death
- Eugenics and Planned Parenthood
- Common Abortion Excuses Refuted
- Can the Unborn and Young Children Who Die Be Saved?
- Abraham
- How Many Sons Did Abraham Have?
- Alleged Contradiction: My Two Sons?
- Did Job Live In The Days Of Abraham?
- Adam and Eve, Cain, Abel, and Seth
- What Was Adam Like?
- Who was Cain's Wife?
- Shouldn't Eve Have Been Shocked That a Serpent Spoke?
- Why Were Eve's Eyes Not Opened Until Adam Sinned?
- Did Abel Eat the Meat of the Sacrifice?
- Why Didn't Adam and Eve Die the Moment They Ate the Fruit?
- Why Do We Get Punished For Adam's Sin?
- Did Adam Have to Sleep Before Sin?
- Shouldn't Eve Have Been a Clone of Adam?
- When Did Adam and Eve Rebel?
- Lilith—The Supposed First Wife Of Adam?
- Age of the Earth
- How Old is the Earth?
- How Many Generations From Adam Until Today?
- Date Translator
- Age of the Earth as Tallied from Creation to the Captivity
- About 6,000 Years or 10,000 Years—Does It Matter?
- Aliens/UFO
- Alleged Bible Contradictions
- Isn't the Bible Full of Contradictions? by Dr. Jason Lisle
- Did Moses Say Insects Have 4 Legs?
- A Righteous Lie? Part 1
- A Righteous Lie? Part 2
- Die that Day or Begin to Die?
- Did Moses Call a Bat a Bird?
- Two Ages at Once?
- Did Michal Have Children Or Not? by B. Hodge and Jeremy Ham
- My Two Sons
- War and Peace?
- Cock-a-Doodle, One or Two?
- Ancient Man
- Ancient Artifacts
- Geniuses, Not Brutes!
- Ancient Electric Battery
- Pyramids of Ancient Egypt
- Methuselah: When Did He Die?
- Ancient Civilizations
- Early Civilizations After the Days of Peleg and Babel by Larry Pierce
- Did Atlantis Exist?
- Ur Connects to Babel by David Livingston
- How Does Man's History Fit with the Biblical Timeline?
- Who Were The Babylonians?
- Angels & Demons
- Can Satan, Demons, and Angels Still Show Mercy and Have Feelings like Joy, Sadness, and Fear?
- When Were Angels Created?
- Apologetics
- Apologetic Methods
- Apologetics: What is it and Why do it? by Ham and Hodge
- Problematic Apologetics by Ham and Hodge
- Biblical Authority Apologetics by Dr. Jason Lisle
- Archaeology
- Archaeology and the Bible by Dr. Clifford Wilson
- Astronomy & Astrophysics
- What does the Bible say about Astronomy? by Dr. Jason Lisle
- Does Astronomy Confirm a Young Universe? by Drs. Lisle and DeYoung
- Is the Earth Really Round?
- Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, and String Theory? by Dr. Danny Faulkner
- How Big is the Universe?
- The Sun
- Mercury by Dr. Jason Lisle
- Venus by Dr. Jason Lisle
- Earth by Dr. Jason Lisle
- Mars by Dr. Jason Lisle
- Jupiter by Dr. Jason Lisle
- Saturn by Dr. Jason Lisle
- Uranus by Dr. Jason Lisle
- Neptune by Dr. Jason Lisle
- Pluto by Dr. Jason Lisle
- Pluto Part 2 by Dr. Jason Lisle
- Pluto and a Young Solar System by Dr. Jason Lisle
- Comets, Centaurs, and TNO's by Dr. Jason Lisle
- History of Astronomy by Dr. Jason Lisle
- Atheism
- Dear Atheists
- Atheism is Religion by Ham and Hodge
- Authority of Scripture
- Bacteria, Viruses, and Diseases
- Bacteria?
- Viruses?
- COVID-19 and the Church
- Nose Design--An Incredible Filter
- Should You Wash Your Hands?
- Bible People
- Bible/Scripture
- What is a Biblical Worldview? by Ham and McKeever
- What about missing books of the Bible? by Paul Taylor
- Wasn't the Bible Written by Mere Men?
- Other Religious Writings?
- How Do We Know the Bible Is True?
- Is the Bible Incomplete?
- Fallible Men Writing an Infallible Bible?
- Bible Translations
- When Did Job Live?
- Big Bang
- Does the Big Bang fit With the Bible?
- A Big Bang? Part 1 by Dr. Jason Lisle
- A Big Bang? Part 2 by Dr. Jason Lisle
- A Big Bang? Part 3 by Dr. Jason Lisle
- Light Travel Time: A Problem for the Big Bang by Robert Newton
- Calvinism & Arminianism
- Canon of Scripture
- Canon of Scripture Part 1
- Canon of Scripture Part 2
- Canon of Scripture Part 3
- Concept and Importance of Canonicity by Dr. Greg Bahnsen
- Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God
- Christian Living
- Christmas
- Was Christmas Pagan?
- Happy Holidays!
- The Twelve Days of Christmas
- What was the Christmas Star? by Dr. Jason Lisle
- The Christmas Star by Dr. Jason Lisle
- Christmas Sermons
- The Attack on Christmas
- What happened to Joseph?
- Chronologies & Genealogies
- Gaps in the Genesis Genealogies? by Pierce and Ham
- Long or Short Sojourn
- What about Egyptian Chronology? by Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell
- What's in a Father's Name?
- Matthew Genealogy and Basic Math
- Timeline of History
- LXX vs. Masoretic in Genesis 5
- Church
- Dear Church...
- Apostles Creed Clarifications
- Church Walls?
- COVID-19 and the Church
- Church Shootings
- Giving in the Church
- Christian: What Is A True Believer?
- Harvard, Oxford, Yale, and Princeton Were Once Christian
- Tongues and Prophecy in Today's Church?
- Crucifixes and Protestant Christianity?
- Cloning and Stem Cells
- Coal
- Compromise/Syncretism
- Cosmic Temple
- Theistic Evolution/Evolutionary Creation
- Day Age/Progressive Creation
- What's wrong with Progressive Creation?by Ham and Dr. Mortenson
- The "god" of an Old Earth
- Framework Hypothesis
- What's Wrong With the Framework Hypothesis? by Dr. McCabe and Chaffey
- Gap Theories
- Gap Theories
- Gap and Ruin- Reconstruction Theories by Ken Ham
- Precreation Chaos Gap Theory by John Zoschke
- Confound the Critics
- The Final Proof of God's Nonexistence?
- Does Scripture Allow for a Gap Theory?
- Can God Create a Rock So Big He Can't Lift It?
- How to Respond to a Repeat Offender by B. Hodge and John Upchurch
- Is the Gospel a Fake?
- The Evidence Doesn't Speak for Itself
- Hilariously Illogical
- Mr. Hostile
- Teaching By Example
- Dinosaur and Human Cohabitation Conflict
- Saved By Grace...and Evolution?
- A False Version of Our History
- Too Many Theories?
- Talking Snakes and Magic Trees?
- Timeline Twisting Texts by B. Hodge and Tim Chaffey
- More Timeline Twisting by B. Hodge and Tim Chaffey
- Why Wouldn't God Use Evolution?
- False Claims at the Scientific American by Dr. Georgia Purdom and B. Hodge
- Entertaining Evolutionists Everywhere
- Why Build the Ark Instead of Give Money to the Poor?
- A Righteous Lie?
- More Righteous Lies
- Does the Bible Teach Female Inferiority? by B. Hodge and Dr. Georgia Purdom
- It's Only Natural
- One Bible, Many Interpretations
- Aren't You Ashamed?
- Are You Hiding Other Views?
- Back to the Future?
- Snopes: Fact Checked
- Phil Vischer Errs on Creation
- Responding to Phil Vischer Part 1
- Responding to Phil Vischer Part 2
- Responding to Phil Vischer Part 3
- Responding to Phil Vischer Part 4
- Continental Split
- Covenants
- Creation and the Fall
- Is There an Ultimate Proof of Creation?
- Defense and Attack Structures on Animals
- Did Bible Authors Believe in a Literal Genesis?
- Death Before Sin?
- Biblical, Could Death Exist Before Sin?
- Was the Fruit an Apple?
- Could Adam Eat From Any Tree?
- Questions About the Tree of Life
- Didn't the Curse Prevent Overpopulation?
- If God is Good, then Why the Fall?
- Did the Serpent Have Legs?
- How Long Ago Was the Curse?
- What About Creation, Flood, and Language Division Legends?
- Delayed Reaction?
- Creation Scientists
- Can Creationists be "real" scientists? by Dr. Jason Lisle
- Are Biblical Creationists Divisive?
- Don't Creationists Deny the Laws of Nature? by Dr. Jason Lisle
- Darwin
- Days of Creation
- Death and Suffering
- Who sinned first: Adam or Satan?
- Death Before Sin?
- Death Before Sin
- Biblical, Could Death Exist Before Sin?
- Do Leaves Die? by Dr. Michael Toddhunter
- "Rest in Peace": A Biblical Concept?
- Diet
- Dinosaurs & Dragons
- What Happened to the Dinosaurs? by Ken Ham
- Did Dinosaurs Evolve into Birds? by Dr. David Menton
- Dinosaurs and the Gospel by Buddy Davis
- Were Dragons Real?
- The Dragons of Peru
- The Wissington Dragon!
- Calvin's Dragons
- Human and Dinosaur Fossils
- Carbon-14 Found in Dinosaur Bones by Dr. Brian Thomas
- The Bishop and the Dinosaur by Simon Turpin
- Why Don't We Find Humans and Dinosaurs Buried Together?
- Where Is the Evidence of Dinosaurs and Human Coexistence?
- Detectable Carbon 14 In Dinosaur Bones: Why Is This Significant?
- Distant Starlight
- Easter
- Education
- Engineering
- Genetic Engineering
- Engineers Look to Dolphins for Improved Sonar
- Engineers Emulate Gecko Feet
- Engineers looks to Fish for New Turbine Design
- Astronauts/Engineers on God
- Replicating the Bombardier Beetle
- Engineer and Professor Dr. Stuart Burgess
- Nose Design--An Incredible Filter
- Evangelism
- Evolution
- Evolution: The Anti-Science by Dr. Jason Lisle
- Is Evolution a Religion? by Drs. Mitchell and White
- Hasn't Evolution Been Proven True?
- Good Questions to Ask Evolutionists
- Would the Apostle Paul Argue Against Evolutionists?
- Are the Bible and Evolution Compatible?
- Is Christian Orthodoxy a Cult?
- If We Evolved From Apes, Then Why Are There Still Apes?
- How To Sneak Religion Into Government Schools?
- Human and Chimp DNA Similarity: Not What We've Been Led To Believe
- Evidence
- Missing or Misinterpreted?
- Searching for the "Magic Bullet"
- Evidence Doesn't Speak for Itself
- Creation: Where's the Proof? by Ken Ham
- Existence of God
- Is There Really a God? by Ham and Dr. Lisle
- The Spider-Man Proof?
- Best Argument for the Existence of God?
- The Transcendental Argument for God's Existence
- Family & Marriage
- What Is Marriage?
- But if two people love each other...?
- Christians and Homosexual "Marriage" by Ken Ham
- Parental Decisions on Christian Education by Dr. Glen Shultz
- Flood of Noah
- Noah's Ark and Flood?
- Countdown to the Flood
- Flood Timeline
- Global of Local Flood?
- How Did Fish Survive the Flood?
- Compelling Evidence for an Upper Cenozoic Flood Boundary by Dr. Tim Clarey
- Animal Migrations After the Flood
- Ancient Patriarchs in Genesis
- Noah, A Global Flood and the Case Against Racism
- Flood Legends
- Fossils
- Framework Hypothesis
- What's Wrong With the Framework Hypothesis? by Dr. McCabe and Chaffey
- Garden of Eden
- Gender
- Genesis
- Genesis Does Matter
- Hebrew Language and Genesis
- Ancient Patriarchs in Genesis
- Did Moses Write Genesis? JEDP Refuted by Dr. Mortenson and Hodge
- Top 15 Illustration Mistakes in Genesis 1-11
- Is Genesis a Derivation of Ancient Myths by Pastor Steve Ham
- Genetics
- Geology
- Are Millions of Years" Required for Geological Processes? by Dr. John Whitmore
- Giants
- Global Warming, Environmentalism, and Climate Change
- The Climate Cult
- Is Man the Cause of Global Warming?
- Climate Change?
- Environmentalism?
- Ancient Sahara Was Wetter Than Expected by Dr. Tim Clarey
- God the Father
- Isn't God Harsh and Mean?
- Can God be Seen Face-to-Face or Not?
- God is Triune
- What is God's Name in the Old Testament?
- Where did God come from?
- Gospel & Salvation
- What Does It Mean to be Saved?
- Starting a New Life in Christ by Pastor Cecil Eggert
- Does the Gospel Depend on a Young Earth? by Ken Ham
- What About Eternal Security?
- Halloween
- Heaven & Hell
- Hermeneutics (Interpretation of Scripture)
- Is Genesis Literal? by Simon Turpin
- Tongues and Prophecy in Today's Church?
- History
- Ancient Patriarchs in Genesis
- Impossibly Old?
- Is Man Getting Smarter?
- When Did Jehoiachin Get Out of Jail?
- Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Oxford: Once Christian?
- Repeating History
- Testing the Shroud of Turin
- Holidays
- Holy Spirit
- Human Life & Sanctity of Life
- and Euthanasia
- When Does Life Begin? by Dr. Tommy Mitchell
- Eugenics and Planned Parenthood
- Ice Age & Weather
- Where Does the Ice Age Fit? by Mike Oard
- The Genesis Flood Caused the Ice Age by Mike Oard
- The Climate Cult
- Information Theory
- Information: Evidence for a Creator? by Mike Riddle
- Intelligent Design
- Is ID as Christian Movement? by Dr. Georgia Purdom
- Jesus Christ
- The So-Called Jesus Family Tomb in Jerusalem?
- Is Jesus God?
- God is Triune
- Appearances of Jesus in Early Genesis
- Is Jesus the Creator God?
- What Did Jesus Look Like?
- Did Jesus Descend Into Hell?
- Kinds (Baraminology)
- Languages & Linguistics
- Linguistics, Genesis, and Evolution
- Linguistics, Genesis, and Evolution Part II
- Linguistics, Genesis, and Evolution Part III
- How was Moses Able to read Pre-Tower of Babel Texts?
- Law
- Woman Caught in Adultery: Did Jesus Not Follow the Law
- What is Theonomy? by Dr. Greg Bahnsen
- God vs. Government by Dr. Jason Lisle
- Why Don't Christians Follow All the Old Testament Laws?
- Living Fossils
- Logic & Logical Fallacies
- Logical Fallacies
- Circular Reasoning: Vicious and Virtuous
- Is a Christian Worldview Logical? by Dr. Jason Lisle
- Atheism: An Irrational Worldview by Dr. Jason Lisle
- Biblical Basis for Logic by Dr. Jason Lisle
- Bahnsen on Circular Reasoning by Dr. Jason Lisle
- Enthymemes by Dr. Jason Lisle
- Logic and the Garden by B. Hodge and Dr. Jason Lisle
- Why Is Arbitrariness Bad?
- Longevity
- Living 900 years old? by Drs. Purdom and Menton
- Mammoths
- A Number of Mammoth Hypotheses
- Mammoth Extinction Wars
- Mammoths Thrived in the Early Post-Flood Ice Age
- Quick Frozen Mammoths?
- Mammoth Extinction
- Mammoths: Flood or Ice Age?
- Manuscript Evidence
- Mary and Joseph
- Mathematics
- Does Evolution Have a Chance? by Mike Riddle
- Millions & Billions Of Years
- Where did "Millions of Years" come from? by Dr. Terry Mortenson
- Why Shouldn't Christians accept "Millions of Years"?
- Death Before Sin?
- Biblical, Could Death Exist Before Sin?
- Sapphires Do Not Require Millions Of Years To Form
- Misconceptions
- Missing Links & Intermediates
- Did Humans Evolve from Apelike Creatures? by Dr. David Menton
- Digging in the Wrong Place!
- Did Dinosaurs Evolve into Birds? by Dr. David Menton
- Tiktaalik by Dr. David Menton
- Cavemen?
- Fossil Record of Traditional Forms?
- A Catastrophic Missing Link Problem
- Neanderthals by Dr. Marvin Lubenow
- Difference Between Humans and Apes by Dr. David Menton
- Human and Chimp DNA Similarity: Not What We've Been Led To Believe
- Missions
- Morality & Ethics
- Evolution and the Challenge of Morality by Dr. Jason Lisle
- Morality: The Secular Response
- Look to the Animal World for Morality?
- Mutations
- Natural Selection
- Is Natural Selection the Same Thing as Evolution?
- Peppered Moths?
- Natural Selection Part 1
- Supernatural Selection by Dr. Jason Lisle
- Noah and the Ark
- Noah's Ark and Flood?
- What Did Noah's Ark Look Like?
- Fitting the Animals on Board?
- Ark Actually Made of Wood?
- Animals Spread About After the Flood?
- Animal Migrations From the Ark
- How Long to Build the Ark?
- Did Noah Need Oxygen on the Ark?
- Noah's Three Sons
- How Long Was the Original Cubit?
- Was Noah's Ark Shaped Like a Box?
- Ark Design by B. Hodge and Tim Lovett
- How Could the Ark Avoid Being Capsized? by Tim Lovett
- Nephilim & the Sons of God
- Nephilim and the "Sons of God": An Introduction
- What are the Major Views of the Nephilim and the Sons of God?
- Why Do Some People Believe the "Sons of God" Means Fallen Angels?
- Why Do Some People Believe the "Sons of God" Means Godly Men?
- Weren't the Earliest Views of "Sons of God" Almost Always Leaning to Angels?
- Was Jesus Mistaken About Angels?
- Nephilim: Who Were They?
- Were the Nephilim in Genesis 6 "Giants"?
- The "Sons of God" in Job 38
- The Nephilim and the Sons of God Landing Page
- Oil
- Origin of Life
- Origin of Life by Dr. David Menton
- Natural Processes and the Origin of Life by Mike Riddle
- Did Life Come from Outer Space?
- Paleontology
- Fossil Formation in 24 Hours by Ken Ham
- Digging in the Wrong Place
- Do Fossils Show Signs of Rapid Burial? by Dr. John Morris
- Presuppositions
- Best Proof of Creation
- Are Scientists Really Biased by their Presuppositions? by Dr. Jason Lisle
- Presuppositional Procedure by Dr. Greg Bahnsen
- Presuppositional Reasoning with False Faiths by Dr. Greg Bahnsen
- How do I know that I Know? by Dr. Jason Lisle
- Purpose
- Racism
- Radiometric Dating
- Carbon Dating?
- Radiocarbon Dating
- Radiometric Dating?
- Date Translator
- Detectable Carbon 14 In Dinosaur Bones: Why Is This Significant?
- Reformers
- Reformers and the Age of the Earth by Dr. Joel Beeke
- Resurrection
- Did the Resurrection Really Happen?
- The Impropriety of Evidentially Arguing for the Resurrection
- Placing the Cross in History by Dr. Andreas Köstenberger
- A Matter of Days by B. Hodge and Paul Taylor
- Revelation & End Times
- Blood Moons?
- Date Setters vs. Date Teasers: Equally Guilty?
- Day 1: Intro and Major Interpretive Understandings of Revelation
- Day 2: Millennial Views of Revelation 20
- Day 3: Transmission of Revelation: Was John Confused About the Vision?
- Day 4: When was Revelation Written and Does it Relate to the 70 Weeks of Daniel?
- Day 5: How Should Revelation Be Interpreted?
- Day 6: When Were the Prophecies to Take Place?
- Day 7: Should Revelation be Understandable?
- Day 8: What About the Tribulation?
- Day 9: Are We Living in the "End Times" or "Last Days"?
- Day 10: What are the Sun, Moon, and Stars in Revelation?
- Day 11: Should Revelation Be taken Literally?
- Day 12: Imagery in Revelation, Parable of Vineyard and Jesus as an Earthly King?
- Day 13: Is the Kingdom Now or in the Future?
- Day 14: What are the First and Second Resurrections and the Heavenly Jerusalem?
- Day 15: Who Does God Blame For Killing Christ?
- Day 16: When Christ Comes in the Clouds, Is That the End of It All?
- Day 17: Is Matthew 24 About the Destruction of the Temple?
- Day 18: What Verses Are Specifically for the Last Day or Final Judgment?
- Day 19: What Does It Mean That "Every Eye Will See Him"?
- Day 20: Who Is the Harlot of Revelation? Who Is Israel?
- Day 21: Who Are the Two Witnesses?
- Day 22: Variant Eschatological Positions?
- Day 23: What About the Beast and 666?
- Day 24: What About the Mark on the Forehead and Hand?
- Day 25: Who is the Man of Lawlessness and Antichrist?
- Day 26: What About Those "Sevens" in Revelation?
- Day 27: What About the Future Fulfillment of Israel's Seed Being Like "the Sand of Seashore" or "Stars of the Heaven"?
- Day 28: Isn't the Millennium Exactly 1,000 Years?
- Day 29: Did the Gospel Spread to All Nations?
- Day 30: Revelation: It's a Letter!
- Revelation 30-Day Study Landing Page
- Satan
- Who is Satan?
- Satan and the Origin of Evil?
- Who sinned first: Adam or Satan?
- Does Satan and Angels Have Feelings?
- Was Satan the Actual Serpent in the Garden?
- Was Adam With Eve When She Spoke to the Serpent?
- Science
- Scientific and Theological Models
- Seasons/Weeks/Months/Calendars
- Sin
- Six Days
- Slander
- What To Do When Someone Bad-Mouths You
- What Does The Bible Say About Slander?
- What Does The Bible Say About Libel?
What Are Some Verses About Slander? - Slavery and the Bible
- Temple
- Thermodynamics
- Does the Second Law of Thermodynamics Favor Evolution?
- Did the Second Law of Thermodynamics Begin at the Fall?
- Timelines
- Tower of Babel and Post-Babel Peoples
- How to Pronounce Babel
- Was the Dispersion at Babel a Real Event?
- Extra-biblical Tables of Nations?
- Josephus and Genesis 10
- Native Americans and the Bible
- Name Places Before and After the Flood
- What About Creation, Flood, and Language Division Legends?
- Is the Hebrew Word For "Tower" (Migdol) A Loan Word From Egyptian?
- Noah, A Global Flood and the Case Against Racism
- Who Were The Babylonians?
- Did The Han Chinese Go Back To Ham?
- Triune God
- Ultimate Proof
- Best Proof of Creation
- Is There an Ultimate Proof of Creation?
- The Transcendental Argument for God's Existence
- Vestigial & Nascent Organs
- Wine
- World Religions & Cults
- God vs. The Force of Star Wars
- Humanism: The Blood Stained Religion
- Micro-Refutations of World Religions
- Approaching World Religions by Dr. Ken Gentry
- Eastern Orthodoxy by Dr. Trent Hyatt
- Judaism by David Abrahams
- Deism by Dan Fisher
- Zoroastrianism by Dr. Carl Broggi
- Perpetual Virginity of Mary?
- Religions and their "View of Life"
- Shinto by Michiko Mizumura
- Paganism by Pastor Tom Chesko
- Buddhism by Dr. Thane Ury
- Hinduism and Hare Krishna by Dr. Joseph Paturi and Roger Patterson
- New Age Dr. Ron Rhodes
- Scientology by Pastor David Chakranarayan
- Post Modernism by Dr. Carl Broggi
- Naturalism by Dr. Terry Mortenson
- The Climate Cult
- Sexual Humanism
- How To Sneak Religion Into Government Schools?
- Young Earth