Short Videos
- Was the Tower of Babel a Real Event? (Short)
- How Did Defense and Attack Structures Come About? (Short)
- Isn't the God of the Old Testament Brutal and Harsh (Short)
- Doesn't the Bible Support Slavery? (Short)
Full Length Videos
- Dinosaurs, Dragons, and the Bible Part 1
- Dinosaurs, Dragons, and the Bible Part 2
- Creation Vs. Evolution is Genesis Relevant? (VCY America)
- The Tower of Babel
- The Seven C's of History
- Jesus is the God of the Old Testament
- The Tower of Babel and the Origin of the Nations
- The Tower of Babel: Origin of the Races
- Creation Vs. Evolution: Why Does It Matter? (Live Creation Museum)
- Satanism and the Fall of Satan
- Halloween and the Bible
- Where did the People Groups Come From?
- Coal, Oil, and Fossils: Millions of Years? Creation in the 21st Century
- Tower of Babel: Origin of the "Races" Creation in the 21st Century
- Understanding Animals of Africa (VBS)
- Did We All Come From Africa? (VBS)
- African Languages and...Missing Links? (VBS)
Live and Reporting
- Bodie Hodge with Todd Piro Fox News
- Dragons, are they Real?
- Ken Ham-Bill Nye Pre-Debate Show (Onsite, 2/4/2014)
- Want to be a Zookeeper?
- Zygodactyl: What Does It Mean?
- Memorizing Scripture
- Cricket or Baseball?
- One Race, One Blood
- Answering Atheists Interview
- Does Science Contradict the Bible? (With Jennifer Rivera)
- How Do We Know the Bible is True? Afternoon on the Dove
- Tower of Babel Book Interview with Gary Stearman
- The War on Christmas Book Interview with Gary Stearman
- Evolution and the Glasshouse Book Interview with Dan Goodwin
- Gap Theory Problems and the Myth of Evolution with Dan Goodwin
- Gap Theory Part 2 and Millions of Years with Dan Goodwin
Videos for Purchase (DVD or Digital Download)
- Halloween, Paganism, and the Bible (DVD)
- The 7 C's of History (DVD)
- Dragons, Dinosaurs, and the Bible (DVD)
- Tower of Babel (DVD)
- Is the Bible True: How Do We Know? (DVD)
- Is the Bible True (Women's Conference)
- Digital Download (audio Only)
- Refutations of World Religions (DVD)
- Digital Download MP4
- Digital Download Audio Only
- View of Life: Christianity Vs. Other Religions
- Digital Download (Audio Only)
- Satanism: World Religions Conference (DVD)
- Digital Download MP4
- Digital Download (Audio Only)
- Judaism: World Religions Conference (DVD)
- Digital Download MP4
- Digital Download (Audio Only)
Dr. Jason Lisle